Missing Persons

Understanding the Role of DNA in Identifying Missing Persons

Understanding the Role of DNA in Identifying Missing Persons

When speaking with families of missing persons, one of the first questions SJAC often hears is, ‘Can you use DNA to find our missing loved ones?’ The simple answer is

ISIS Mass Graves and Prisons

ISIS Mass Graves and Prisons

SJAC's interactive map of northern Syria includes 246 ISIS prisons and 63 grave sites.

Forensic Trainers Visit Raqqa, Assess Potential for Missing Persons Identifications

Forensic Trainers Visit Raqqa, Assess Potential for Missing Persons Identifications

Last month, two forensic experts from the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation (FAFG) travelled to Raqqa and Qamishli to meet with the Syrian Missing Persons and Forensic Team (SMFT) as well

SJAC identifies 66 new ISIS prisons and 35 grave sites

SJAC identifies 66 new ISIS prisons and 35 grave sites

Today, SJAC launched a new interactive map of northern Syria which includes 246 ISIS prisons and 63 grave sites. Of these, 66 prisons and 35 graves were made public for

Recommendations to the Terms of References of the UN Independent Institution on Missing Persons in the Syrian Arab Republic

Recommendations to the Terms of References of the UN Independent Institution on Missing Persons in the Syrian Arab Republic

On June 29, 2023, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 301/77, which established the “Independent Institution for Missing Persons” and was delegated the task “to clarify the fate

SJAC's 2023 Summer Reading List

SJAC's 2023 Summer Reading List

SJAC’s summer publication break starts today! We will be back in September with a new series of investigations and analysis on the Syrian conflict. Until we return, enjoy a

Widening the Search for the Missing Victims of ISIS: Idlib and Aleppo

Widening the Search for the Missing Victims of ISIS: Idlib and Aleppo

SJAC has recently expanded the geographic scope of its missing persons program to include formerly ISIS-controlled areas of Idlib and Aleppo governorates. Although SJAC has previously documented cases of forced