Justice Policy

Responding to Misconceptions Regarding the IIIM

The following article was written through the cooperation of three non-governmental organizations: Syria Justice and Accountability Centre, Syrians for Truth and Justice, and the Violations Documentation Center in Syria. Its

Middle East Eye - The Syrian war crime suspects who could be brought to justice

James Reinl writes about the importance of the new International, Impartial, and Independent Mechanism (IIIM) to collect and preserve evidence of atrocities in Syria to broadening criminal accountability options with

The Significance of Apologies and Truth-Telling in the Syrian Conflict

Mustafa Tlass (left), photo from Wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mustafa_Tlass] and Jihad Makdissi, photo from UN Geneva [https://www.flickr.com/photos/unisgeneva/32973644562/in/photolist-S9oK83-So7bTG-S9oK3d-Rek224-ShdAkp-RewWsk-StpU5i-SeLwYj-Shpfkn-SeLxjj-SeLwL5-SeLxK9-cDBQ3A-RewYtV-Rm2wiK-Rm2wte-SqC4kx-SeLxAm-RXvMf9-RewZaz-RXvMnU-RewY84-RewZAe-RewZqp-GgBHPy-GgBHBu-GgBHEf-t6Fa55-sRppUo-R8jdQ3-SdPAjX] On

ECtHR as an Avenue for Accountability: Possibilities and Constraints

ECtHR as an Avenue for Accountability: Possibilities and Constraints

As Russia has, for the time being, closed the door on all available means for international accountability against the Assad government’s atrocities in Syria, human rights groups and lawyers

Forced Displacement in Syria and International Accountability

Forced Displacement in Syria and International Accountability

Last week, in a Russia-brokered agreement [http://www.reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-syria-waer-idUSKBN16P073] between pro-government and opposition forces, approximately 1,100 civilians left their homes in the Homs neighborhood of al-Waer.

Inclusivity framework vital to achieving transitional justice in Syria

HNC delegation arrives to Geneva at the start of the peace talks in February. | Photo Credit: United Nations / Jean-Marc Ferré [https://www.flickr.com/photos/unisgeneva/24729043226] Two weeks ago

Justice and Peace: A False Dichotomy

Image designed by SJAC Although the Syria peace talks have stalled in recent months, closed-door discussions continue between the United States and Russia [https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/kerry-says-iran-deal-has-made-world-a-safer-place-one-year-later/2016/

Addressing Systemic Sexual Violence in Syria’s Transitional Justice Process

Addressing Systemic Sexual Violence in Syria’s Transitional Justice Process

On June 6, the Syrian legislature elected Hadiyeh Abbas [https://www.rt.com/news/345576-female-parliament-speaker-syria/] as the new Parliament speaker, marking the first time in Syria’s modern history that

The Controversy over the Syrian Women's Advisory Board

The Controversy over the Syrian Women's Advisory Board

In February, the United Nations made history when the U.N. Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura convened [http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2016/2/ed-statement-on-syrian-womens-advisory-board] the

Memorandum issued by Syrian organizations working in the field of human rights, accountability, and transitional justice on the issue of detainees and

21/March/2016 To: The Syrian negotiating parties The International Syria Support Group (ISSG) The United Nations Special Envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura and his team We, the signatories