
Enab Baladi - Possible US withdrawal hands Syria over to Moscow

Enab Baladi interviews Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC) Executive Director Mohammad Al Abdallah on the possibility of a US military withdrawal from Syria. Al Abdallah explains that the Trump

Seeking Truth for Syria’s Disappeared

Source: William Warby [] Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria, tens of thousands of people have been disappeared, captured and detained by

What Trump Failed to Say in Helsinki

What Trump Failed to Say in Helsinki

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin met Monday in Helsinki for the first official meeting between the two leaders. At the summit, President Putin stated [https://www.

Strengthening, not Abandoning, the Human Rights Council

Strengthening, not Abandoning, the Human Rights Council

Last month the United States officially withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), calling the Council a “protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias.” Although

Supporting Syrian Survivors During Justice Processes

The International Criminal Court in the Hague, which provides psychosocial support to witnesses. Source: the United Nations []. In 1998, the UN passed

Enab Baladi - Amending the Syrian constitution… achieving a quota or reaching a solution?

Enab Baladi interviews Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC) Executive Director Mohammad Al Abdallah on the role Russia has played in drafting a new constitution, and why it is attempting

Jamil Hassan and the Challenges of Universal Jurisdiction

The Fountain of Justice, in Frankfurt’s Römerberg. Source: Wikimedia [] On

Seeking Justice for Property Theft in Yarmouk

Soldiers in Yarmouk carry stolen goods to awaiting trucks. Source: Damascus Voice [] On May 21, after a month of fighting between government forces and the

What SJAC has Learned from Documenting the Role of Children in the Syrian Conflict

Syrian refugee children singing at a social center in Northern Lebanon. Source: Wikipedia [

The Principle of Non-Refoulement is Under Threat in Lebanon

The Principle of Non-Refoulement is Under Threat in Lebanon

On May 6, Lebanon went to the polls in the country’s first parliamentary elections since 2009. In a deeply divided country, one campaign position was largely shared across the