
Can Russia be held accountable for its violations in Syria?

Can Russia be held accountable for its violations in Syria?

Russia has not only continued to veto [] possible ways of holding the Syrian government accountable for its atrocities, it has also

A Tribunal for ISIS Fighters – a National Security and Human Rights Emergency

A Tribunal for ISIS Fighters – a National Security and Human Rights Emergency

*The full version of this article was published by Just Security [] . One of the most vexing challenges faced in northeast Syria is what to

Brussels Conference Attendees Should Call for EU Member-States and Agencies to End Policies that Risk the Deportation of Refugees to Syria

Brussels Conference Attendees Should Call for EU Member-States and Agencies to End Policies that Risk the Deportation of Refugees to Syria

The Brussels Conference provides an opportunity for European Union member-states to voice their support for negotiated peace in Syria and to pledge humanitarian aid for communities devastated by the ten-year

Blackboxing Justice: Greater transparency needed in German universal jurisdiction trials

Blackboxing Justice: Greater transparency needed in German universal jurisdiction trials

On April 23, 2020, Germany was commended on the start of “the world’s first trial on state-torture” [] . Still, close observers of the

New Justice Charter Gives Voice to Victims’ Demands

New Justice Charter Gives Voice to Victims’ Demands

On February 17, 2021, a group of victim and family-led organizations working for justice for detainees and missing persons launched [

New Report: The State of Justice in Syria, 2021

New Report: The State of Justice in Syria, 2021

March 15, 2021 marks the tenth anniversary of the conflict in Syria. While initial steps towards pursuing justice for survivors of human rights abuses have begun, there is still a

Reflections on the Eyad Al-Gharib Judgment

Reflections on the Eyad Al-Gharib Judgment

On February 24, 2021, the Higher Regional Court in Koblenz found Eyad Al-Gharib guilty of aiding and abetting torture and forced imprisonment as crimes against humanity. He was sentenced to

Coverage of the ISIS Beatles Trial Should Avoid Sensationalism and Center Victims

Coverage of the ISIS Beatles Trial Should Avoid Sensationalism and Center Victims

A recent New York Times scandal [] has renewed discussions on media coverage of ISIS, specifically the danger of sensationalism

Blackmailing Syrians: Confiscating the Properties of Draft Evaders

Blackmailing Syrians: Confiscating the Properties of Draft Evaders

Statements made several days ago by Brigadier-General Elias al-Bitar, head of the army’s Exemption and Reserve branch, have sown chaos and confusion among Syrians. Syrian men living outside the

Building Pressure Against EU Treatment of Refugees and Migrants

Building Pressure Against EU Treatment of Refugees and Migrants

Over the last decade, EU treatment of Syrian refugees has been ambivalent. On the one hand, some states have shown generosity by accepting and supporting large numbers of Syrians fleeing