Europe’s Response to Refugees is Immoral and Unlawful

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

For months, leaders in Europe watched the crisis in Idlib unfold with routine condemnation and little action. European leaders were finally shaken from passivity on February 27, when Turkey announced

NEW REPORT: SJAC Reviews the State of Justice in Syria

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

On the eve of the 9th anniversary of the Syrian revolution, the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC) has released “The State of Justice in Syria 2020 [

The State of Justice in Syria 2020

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

The State of Justice in Syria 2020 SJS ENG_v2.pdf 6 MB download-circle [] حالة العدالة في سوريا 2020 SJS

How to Prosecute a Militia Mouthpiece

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

On January 29, 2020, former senior official for Jaysh al-Islam Majidi Mustafa Ne’ma [] (known by his nom de guerre as

The Caesar Act: Impacts and Implementation

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

In late December 2019, President Donald Trump signed [] a $738 billion defense policy bill that included legislation to further the existing sanctions regime targeting

SJAC Launches Missing Persons Program in Northeast Syria

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

SJAC, in collaboration with the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF), has begun providing technical trainings in mass grave exhumation and documentation to the First Responders’ Team (FRT) working to open

Searching for Missing Persons in Northeast Syria

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Searching for Missing Persons in Northeast Syria Assessment and Recommendations for the First Responders’ Team Missing-Persons_EN_Public_0211.pdf 2 MB download-circle [

Syrians in Denmark Fear Losing Refugee Protections

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

While fears of forced return have long haunted Syrian refugees in neighboring countries, including Lebanon [] and Turkey [

Syrian victims of Iranian crimes should not be overlooked

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Foreign involvement in the Syrian conflict can be traced to every corner of the globe, including Russia, Turkey, the United States, and neighboring countries such as Iraq, Lebanon, and Iran.

REPORT RELEASE: SJAC Unmasks Decision-Makers Behind ISIS Brutality

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

The ISIS Bureau of Justice & Grievances played a central role in the governance and decision-making of administrative, civil, and criminal matters, terrorizing local communities by facilitating the establishment of the