Building Pressure Against EU Treatment of Refugees and Migrants

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Over the last decade, EU treatment of Syrian refugees has been ambivalent. On the one hand, some states have shown generosity by accepting and supporting large numbers of Syrians fleeing

Inside the Raslan Trial #16: How the Syrian Government Documented Torture and How “Caesar” Leaked the Photos

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

TRIAL OF ANWAR RASLAN and EYAD AL GHARIB Higher Regional Court – Koblenz, Germany Trial Monitoring Report 16 Hearing Dates: October 27, 28, 29, 2020 >>Trial Report 17 Inside the Raslan

Inside the Raslan Trial: How the Syrian Government Documented Torture and How “Caesar” Leaked the Photos

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Inside the Raslan Trial: How the Syrian Government Documented Torture and How “C 210202_TrialReport#16.public_Arabic.pdf 1 MB download-circle [

ISIS and Cycles of Violence: Attaining Security by Protecting Rights in Syria and Iraq

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

The continued failure to obtain justice in the Syrian conflict is contributing to cyclical violence beyond the country’s borders in neighboring Iraq. Both the January 21 suicide bombings in

Inside the Raslan Trial: A Note on the Delayed Translation of SJAC Trial Reports

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

A Note on the Delayed Translation of SJAC Trial Reports Since the beginning of the Anwar R. and Eyad A. trial in Koblenz, SJAC trial monitors have attended every trial

Inside the Raslan Trial #15: Corpses as Chattel and Raslan’s Photographic Memory

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

TRIAL OF ANWAR RASLAN and EYAD AL GHARIB Higher Regional Court – Koblenz, Germany Trial Monitoring Report 15 Hearing Dates: October 6, 7, & 8, 2020 >>Trial Report 16 Inside the Raslan

Inside the Raslan Trial: Corpses as Chattel and Raslan’s Photographic Memory

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Inside the Raslan Trial: Corpses as Chattel and Raslan’s Photographic Memory 210126_Trial-Report15.public.pdf 465 KB download-circle []

SJAC Calls on ICC Prosecutor to Investigate Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Greece Against Refugees

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

A full PDF of SJAC’s submission to the International Criminal Court is available for download, here. Washington, D.C. January 28, 2021 “The Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) of

Article 15 Communiqué to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court regarding Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Greek and Frontex Officials against Refugees

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Article 15 Communiqué to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court regarding Crimes Against Humanity Committed by Greek and Frontex Officials against Refugees SJAC_ICC-Communiqué.pdf 543

Syrian Organizations Respond to the UN Special Rapporteur on Unilateral Coercive Measures

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

A full PDF of this statement is available here. [] The undersigned organizations stress the need to strategically assess the prevailing argumentation surrounding a renewed debate