Justice Policy

Addressing Human Trafficking in Times of Conflict

Addressing Human Trafficking in Times of Conflict

Worldwide, 21 million [http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/forced-labour/lang--en/index.htm] people are victims of human trafficking. In areas of conflict, people are particularly vulnerable to exploitation – erosion

The Question of Amnesty: Balancing Truth and Justice

The Question of Amnesty: Balancing Truth and Justice

Last week marked a major shift in Russia’s position on the Syrian conflict. In a rare show of unity, Russia joined other members of the UN Security Council in

Failure to Arrest al-Bashir Undermines International Justice

Failure to Arrest al-Bashir Undermines International Justice

Last week, in defiance of an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant and an order by the South African High Court barring his exit, Omar al-Bashir boarded a plane back