
Syria Deeply - Long Read: How the Syrian War Changed How War Crimes Are Documented

Cristina Roca examines the current landscape of individuals and groups documenting human rights abuses in Syria. Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC) Executive Director Mohammad Al Abdallah explains how the

Torture Is Now a Normal Part of Syrian Warfare

As the conflict in Syria enters its sixth year, gross human rights violations remain one of the main features in the conflict. Although the anniversary of the uprising this year

Documenting Attacks on Medical Facilities in Syria

The MSF-supported hospital in Ma’arat Al Numan was destroyed on Monday 15th Feb.  Photo Credit:La Veu del País Valencià [

Securing Archives at Risk: Event hosted by Swisspeace

SJAC Executive Director speaking at Swisspeace conference On October 1, the Executive Director of the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC), Mohammad Al Abdallah, delivered a keynote address at a

Standardized ISIS Detention Procedures: Structured Brutality, Battlefield Adaptability

Over the past several months, the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre’s (SJAC) Documentation Team in Turkey has worked to document detention centers run by the Islamic State of Iraq