Priorities for the 2021 United Nations General Assembly

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

In preparation for the upcoming high-level week of the United Nations General Assembly, SJAC is outlining its advocacy priorities. SJAC hopes that member states will use the opportunity afforded by

Priorities for the 2021 United Nations General Assembly

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Priorities for the 2021 United Nations General Assembly UNGA - ENG.pdf 644 KB download-circle [] أولويات للجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة لعام2021

Inside the Raslan Trial #43: No Enforced Disappearances

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

TRIAL OF ANWAR RASLAN Higher Regional Court – Koblenz, Germany Trial Monitoring Report 43 Hearing Dates: August 18 & 19, 2021 >>Trial Report 44 Inside the Raslan Trial 43 210907_Trial Report

1,000 Families of those Kidnapped by ISIS Ask for Assistance from the United States

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

We, the families of those kidnapped by ISIS, are writing to the U.S. administration to ask for support in the search for our loved ones. When ISIS entered Northeast

What Afghanistan Portends for Syria

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

As of this writing, Afghanistan remains in crisis with victims reeling from ISIS-Khoresan’s attacks on civilians and U.S. soldiers at the Kabul airport. Numerous efforts are underway to

Inside the Raslan Trial #42: Incidents or a Revolution?

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

TRIAL OF ANWAR RASLAN Higher Regional Court – Koblenz, Germany Trial Monitoring Report 42 earing Dates: July 21 & 22, 2021 >>Trial Report 43 Inside the Raslan Trial 42 210901_Trial Report

Inside the Raslan Trial: Incidents or a Revolution?

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Inside the Raslan Trial: Incidents or a Revolution? 210901_Trial-Report-42_public.pdf 442 KB download-circle [] SJAC’s 42nd trial monitoring

Why the US Should Expand Sanctions in Northern Syria

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

The recent imposition of U.S. sanctions on the Turkish-backed armed group Ahrar al-Sharqiya represents a step forward in protecting human rights in northern Syria. Reactions to the sanctions by

Inside the Raslan Trial: The one who is arrested is lost; The one who is released is newborn

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Inside the Raslan Trial: The one who is arrested is lost; The one who is released is newborn 210818_Trial-Report-41_public.pdf 417 KB download-circle [

Inside the Raslan Trial #41: The one who is arrested is lost; The one who is released is newborn

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

TRIAL OF ANWAR RASLAN Higher Regional Court – Koblenz, Germany Trial Monitoring Report 41 Hearing Dates: July 14 &15, 2021 >>Trial Report 42 Inside the Raslan Trial 41 210818_Trial Report