Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Ahead of the 2024 Brussels VIII Conference, “Supporting the future of Syria and the region,” the Syria Justice and Accountability Center (SJAC) is outlining its policy priorities for EU member

Forensic Trainers Visit Raqqa, Assess Potential for Missing Persons Identifications

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Last month, two forensic experts from the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation (FAFG) travelled to Raqqa and Qamishli to meet with the Syrian Missing Persons and Forensic Team (SMFT) as well

Financial Exclusion: The Struggle of Syrian Refugees in Europe

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Marwa*, a Syrian refugee living in Belgium, faced a significant barrier to fully assimilating into Belgian society: her lack of a bank account. Opening a bank account in Europe is

Inside the Alaa M. Trial #71: The Joker

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Higher Regional Court – Frankfurt, Germany Trial Monitoring Summary #71 Hearing Date: March 19, 21 & 22, 2024 CAUTION: Some testimony includes descriptions of torture. Note that this summary is not a

42 Years After Hama: Rifaat Al-Assad Indicted in Swiss Court

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

On March 12th, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) of Switzerland indicted former Syrian Vice-President Rifaat Al-Assad for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in connection with the

The State of Justice in Syria 2024

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

The “State of Justice in Syria, 2024” is the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre’s (SJAC’s) fifth annual report, focusing on human rights violations and justice efforts in Syria

Inside the Alaa M. Trial #70: The Accused and His Witnesses Under Scrutiny

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Higher Regional Court – Frankfurt, Germany Trial Monitoring Summary #70 Hearing Date: March 14, 2024 CAUTION: Some testimony includes descriptions of torture. Note that this summary is not a verbatim transcript

Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria Official Suspected in Recent ‘Honor Killing’

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Washington, DC: March 14, 2024 On February 29th, 2024, SJAC received a report from its Documentation Team of an ‘honor killing’ which occurred on February 23rd in the town of

Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act Passes the House

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

The Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act passed the U.S. House of Representatives on February 14, 2024, and is now being considered by the Senate, which appears likely to pass the

SJAC identifies 66 new ISIS prisons and 35 grave sites

Result of a challenge I participated in as a guest on The Futuristic

Today, SJAC launched a new interactive map of northern Syria which includes 246 ISIS prisons and 63 grave sites. Of these, 66 prisons and 35 graves were made public for