1 min read
“Do You Know What Happens Here?” An Analysis of Survivor Accounts of SGBV in Syria

“Do You Know What Happens Here?” An Analysis of Survivor Accounts of SGBV in Syria

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Since 2014 SJAC has increased its efforts to access survivors of SGBV and document their experiences in an attempt to address the gaps in knowledge of how SGBV was being perpetrated in Syria. As a result, SJAC and its partners have collected interviews from 56 survivors and witnesses of SGBV and from 16 survivors of various forms of forced nudity in detention. This report is the result of an analysis of SJAC’s collection of interviews aiming to identify patterns among the incidents reported. The results of SJAC’s analysis are similar to other reports about SGBV in Syria, including findings from the UN COI, all suggesting that such abuses are widespread, systematic, and officially sanctioned.